Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sweet & Sour Chicken (pork)

I finally attempted to cook this dish! (suppose to be with pork actually but the chicken was freezing in my freezer for way too long..)

A. Preparing the chicky
Marinate the slices of chicken with pepper, salt, sugar, Ng Heong Fun (Chinese 5 spice powder) - like pro eh? - and dark soy sauce. I was paranoid that the chicken would 'smell' a little since it wasnt the freshest i've ever cooked with so i added some slices of ginger as well (hoping the juice will seep into the chicken - i MUST get the ginger/garlic press thingy soon).
Next, crack an egg over the chickies and mixed them up - this gluey egg will help the Kentucky flour to stick better. Add in the Kentucky flour and mess them up to get them coated evenly.

B. Preparing the veggies
Cut up onions, green pepper and tomatoes. I cut them into chunky pieces so that they would stay crunchy and juicy when cooked.

Heat up some oil in the pan and deep fry the chickies. Turn them over till golden brown. They smell real good here!

C. Preparing the sauce
Heat up some oil and sesame oil. Add in tomato sauce and chilly sauce, pepper and salt. According to Amy Beh, I should add in some black vinegar but i didnt have any in stock. When it starts to boil, add in thickener (corn starch and water) .

Now throw in the chickies and stir to coat them evenly with the sauce.

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